Hello! Thank you for contacting me! I figured I should introduce myself a little more.
I’m Lauren, and I grew up in Las Vegas. When I was a kid my parents got my sister and I a laptop to share, but it didn’t have the internet access. That means I spent a fair amount of time playing pinball, drawing in Microsoft Paint, and using the templates in Microsoft Word. I would create my own newspapers and fliers just for fun. The summer before my senior year of high school I went on a two week history tour back east. That was when I discovered my love of photography. There were so many beautiful buildings and plants. It was different from anything I had ever seen. I took tons of photos on my cell phone because I didn’t own a camera yet. One day on the tour bus I was showing some of the photos I had taken to my friends, and they were like wait a sec, these are really good. It was then I realized I had an eye for photography. It should come as no surprise when I graduated high school, I used all my graduation money to buy my first camera!
When I went to college, I didn’t think I could actually do anything with photography, so I decided to keep it as a hobby and study biology. (Practical, right?) About halfway through my first bio class, I hated it. I realized I didn’t want to do research or be a doctor, so there was no point in being a biology major. I then spent my summer working at Disney World as a part of the Disney College Program. I made friends with a girl who also attended BYU-Idaho, and she told me about her major. She was studying communication and explained it was a wide umbrella of things, and it caught my interest. As luck would have it, the next semester I ended up living with three comm majors! They convinced me to take the intro communication class and I fell in love. I could study photography and graphic design while learning other practical skills like public speaking, advertising, interpersonal communication, interpreting data, and so much more.
After graduating, I worked my first “real job” that would provide me with industry experience. I have spent the last three years (1.5 years pre pandemic and 1.5 years post pandemic) as graphic layout specialist for a company that puts on conventions. I learned more about graphic design, preparing files for print, large format printing, working with multiple departments in the business, and working with clients. I was also able to upgrade my camera. As you might have noticed, my posts haven’t consistent and this is due to the fact that my last job kept me very busy and I wasn’t able to maintain passion projects.
I love learning new things and a majority of my portfolio is me trying new things and seeing how it works out. Thank you for checking out my work and I hope to hear from you soon!

Disney College Program
June – August 2015

NSAC District XI Competition
April 20, 2018
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