by laurenawagner | Aug 16, 2021
Kayla, Jensen & Lexy
Friends Photos
What’s more fun than a photoshoot with friends? I love taking photos with my friends. Nothing is more fun! Also I love Calico Basin and Red Springs Park. Photos taken there always turn out magical!
by laurenawagner | Jan 10, 2021
Brooke & Coby Engagements
Tivoli Village Photos
After taking Brooke & Coby’s proposal photos I was asked to take their engagement photos. Without further ado I present them to you!
by laurenawagner | Dec 31, 2020
Brooke & Coby Proposal
Getting Engaged in Red Springs
I had the opportunity to go and take photos of my dear friends proposal. It was fun because I had to be stealth in a public park, that’s basically a meadow with no cell service. To say this was difficult would be an understatement. I somehow managed to not be seen, and I must have been good at it because Coby couldn’t find me. I somehow managed to catch his attention and then it was game on! Congratulations to the cute couple.
by laurenawagner | Jul 24, 2020
Ben, Chase, Noah & Maddy
Friend Photos in Malad
Nothing is more fun than hanging out with friends, especially when it’s a long distance friendship. We decided to meet up in Malad, Idaho. We went fourwheeling to go watch the sunrise. It was fun to hang out and take a few photos.
by laurenawagner | May 9, 2020
Miriam graduated from the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law! She is serioulsy so kind, friendly, smart and beautiful. It was a blast taking photos of her! My heart goes out to all of the graduates of 2020. I’m sorry that COVID-19 messed up your plans.